For millions of Christians Holy Week is an emotionally turbulent time if one permits him or herself to become immersed in the reality of the events. One can experience a full range of emotions including loss, fear, anxiety, depression, joy, hope, and eternal love. Indeed, this is by design with Easter Sunday representing a day of triumph and celebration of faith.
Today, it is nearly impossible to not experience the same roller coaster of emotions granted us by the seemingly endless parade of evil in our world. Consider your emotions stirred by these events and as we witness horror on our television screens or computers. I watch with obvious concern as to how humans can get to such a point as to hate and to kill fellow humans. I listen to men and women share ideas of how to cleanse the planet from such evil and I continue to be led to the teachings of Christ.
We are again a planet and people confronted by evil while simultaneously living in real time the Holy Week celebrated by so many and understood by even more. The obvious lessons this week teaches all of us continue to be so critical today, especially today. Love will always triumph over hate; forgiveness, no matter how difficult or evil the deed against us, brings us salvation. Our answers we seek will not be found by earth-bound beings. Such answers lie in a greatness far greater than us and I believe our entire human race is in dire need of connecting with the greater power we call God.
For all Christians and all humans, I pray we can take some time this Holy Week and regardless of one's background or religion, consider the teachings of Christ. He was put to death by evil and yet he forgave so that we might also be forgiven. Love triumphs even when juxtaposed to hate and evil.
If you read this anywhere on the planet, reach out to someone and express love to them (perhaps even a simple "high five" for love). It sounds basic, but there are many more of us who are filled with love than those filled with hate. Follow the teachings of Christ this week and let love guide us to a more peaceful planet.
Happy Easter to All.
Dr. Nussbaum
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