Physical Activity and Brain Health
Every time your heart beats 25% of the blood goes directly to your brain. Imagine, a 3 pound structure in your body demanding 1/4 of the blood and oxygen from each heartbeat! This explains why physical activity, remaining mobile and active, and refraining from a sedentary lifestyle is critical to brain health.
Research is quite robust on this matter. The more physically active a child is the better his or her grades will be. The more physically active an adult is the less likely he or she will develop dementia. Indeed, research has shown a direct cause and effect between regular aerobic exercise and increased volume in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the structure in the brain that lies deep in the temporal region and is responsible for new learning, memory, and spatial reasoning. It is also involved in some of our emotional processing and serves as a vital part of our identity. The hippocampus is structurally and functionally vulnerable to chronic stress and to Alzheimer's disease. It is also the known region in the human brain that generates new brain cells (neurogenesis).
Therefore, physical activity not only is good for the body, it is great for the brain. Regular exercise will help you feel better emotionally, help you think and remember more clearly, help to build the volume and function of your hippocampus, and help to reduce your risk of brain disease later in life. Seems like it is time to get moving. Enjoy a nice brisk walk today and your brain will thank you!
Dr. Nussbaum
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